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Infocom:   ZIP Interpreter  ·  Games  ·  Missing Files

Games, ordered by subject and series

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The Zork Series

The Zork Series (and its first part Zork I in particular) where the first titles (if the much older Adventure is not considered) ever to come out of Infocom. Zork was first released on a huge mainframe machine, and then ported to the much smaller micro-computers. This was achieved by splitting the game in three parts (hence the names Zork I-III), inventing the advanced concept of the ZIP virtual machine, leaving out some text parts, and various other tricks. If you are interested, the papers on Infocom have more detailed information on the migration process.

The Enchanter Trilogy

The Planetfall Duett



Comical Adventures

Science Fiction

Other Styles

Achim J. Latz, , 13.02.2021

Due to copyright restrictions, the games are no longer available for download. Please do not send me questions about the games.
Infocom Infocom

Infocom:   ZIP Interpreter  ·  Games  ·  Missing Files