Infocom Infocom

Infocom:   ZIP Interpreter  ·  Games  ·  Missing Files


Type: Text only
Written 1983 by Michael Berlyn.
Suspended Cover
"The Incomplete Works of Infocom, Inc." Catalog:

In SUSPENDED, you are buried alive in a cryogenic capsule deep inside an alien world. When an earthquake disrupts the systems of the Underground Complex you inhabit - systems that surface life depends on - you must stabilize conditions. However, you can only do so by commanding your six robots, each of whom perceives the world differently, to perform actions for you. If you save your world from utter destruction, however, you've just begun. SUSPENDED is designed to be replayed numerous times as you learn to optimize your strategies. You can also go on to two more levels of play, and there's even an option that lets you customize the story. All of this helps to explain why TIME magazine calls SUSPENDED "perhaps the best computer thriller to date." ROLLING STONE puts it more succinctly, labeling SUSPENDED the "Best Computer Game." Period. EXPERT LEVEL

Package Blurb:

They said you would sleep for half a millenium - not an unreasonable length of time, considering you'd be in limited cryogenic suspension. Your body would rest frozen at the planet's nerve center, an underground complex twenty miles beneath the surface. Your brain, they told you, would be wired to a network of computers; your mind would continue to operate at a minimal level, overseeing maintenance of surface-side equilibrium. And you would not awake, so they promised, until your five hundred years had elapsed - barring, of course, the most dire emergency.

Good morning.

In SUSPENDED, you will strategivally manipulate six robots. Each has a distinct perception of the world, and offers you specific abilities. For instance, one specializes in sight, a second in hearing, and a third in accessing information from computer memory banks. Through them, you will solve an intertwined myriad of realistic and original problems. Should you find yourself baffled by some of the more intricate puzzles, you may wish to consult the underground complex's built-in advisory peripheral for hints.

The first time you play SUSPENDED will not be your last. It continually challenges you to hone your strategies and develop new ones, to explore new areas and interactions, and in so doing to improve your score each time you play. And even if you succeed in mastering the first level of play, an advanced second level waits in the program to test your mettle again and yet again. In fact, the game is so designed that you can alter conditions at will before starting, effectively allowing you to customize the game into a new kind of SUSPENDED whenever you desire.

Suspended Cover

Achim J. Latz, , 13.02.2021

Due to copyright restrictions, the games are no longer available for download. Please do not send me questions about the games.
Infocom Infocom

Infocom:   ZIP Interpreter  ·  Games  ·  Missing Files