Infocom Infocom

Infocom:   ZIP Interpreter  ·  Games  ·  Missing Files


Type: Text only
Written 1984 by Dave Lebling.
"The Incomplete Works of Infocom, Inc." Catalog:

In SUSPECT, our newest mystery thriller, you're a reporter who gets the scoop on the society event of the year - the murder of a Maryland Blue Blood aristocrat at a fancy costume ball. And you couldn't have a closer inside source for your story. Because you're the prime suspect. You know you're not guilty, but the evidence is stacked against you. Now you must prove your innocence and find the real killer - or risk being framed and face the consequences. SUSPECT will be available in November 1984. ADVANCED LEVEL

Package Blurb:


You have walked into a hotbed of deceit and trickery. And now they're accusing you of something you7 couldn't have done. But they have proof that you did it. "You're a killer," they say. And until you can prove them wrong, you're guilty as charged - murder.

Among society's upper crust, murder is the kind of nastiness that must be cleaned up quickly. So isn't it convinient that you, a struggling journalist looking for a good time and a good story, end up the scapegoat? The evidence is stacked against you, and you're being forced to prove your own innocence. And someone else's guilt. But no one wants to help you. You're an outsider. And only an outsider could be so rude as to accept an invitation to the social event of the season. Then spoil it all.

Suspect Cover

Achim J. Latz, , 13.02.2021

Due to copyright restrictions, the games are no longer available for download. Please do not send me questions about the games.
Infocom Infocom

Infocom:   ZIP Interpreter  ·  Games  ·  Missing Files