Infocom Infocom

Infocom:   ZIP Interpreter  ·  Games  ·  Missing Files


Type: Text only
Written 1985 by Dave Lebling.
Package Blurb:

SPELLBREAKER, the riveting conclusion to the ENCHANTER trilogy, explores the mysterious underpinnings of the Zorkian universe. A world founded on sorcery suddenly find its magic failing, and only you, leader of the Circle of Enchanters, can uncover and destroy the cause of this paralyzing chaos.

The very core of your civilization is under siege, and only a perilous journey through the black foundation of magic itself will yield a chance for survival.

And although your triumph over this unknown Evil is uncertain, you must embark without hesitation and prove yourself the worthiest mage in the land.

Spellbreaker Cover

Achim J. Latz, , 13.02.2021

Due to copyright restrictions, the games are no longer available for download. Please do not send me questions about the games.
Infocom Infocom

Infocom:   ZIP Interpreter  ·  Games  ·  Missing Files