Infocom Infocom

Infocom:   ZIP Interpreter  ·  Games  ·  Missing Files


Type: Text only
Written 1986 by Stu Galley and Jim Lawrence.
Package Blurb:

More ghosts haunt the misty seacoast and stone ramparts of Cornwall than anyplace else on earth. One such soul roams Tresyllian Castle: a pale phantom with flaxen hair and a luminous, flowing gown. It seems like a fanciful legend... until the spectral "White Lady" threatens the life of your friend Tamara!

Arriving at the fog-shrouded castle, you meet a cast of eccentric characters ranging from a blue-blood debutante to an overly helpful butler. Has one of them donned the ghostly guise of the White Lady? Or has the drowned lover of Jack Lord, Tamara's fiancé, returned to haunt her successor? Perhaps the spectre is seeking the valuable treasure hidden somewhere in the lavish rooms and secret passageways of the castle. The solution to the mystery, as well as the location of the treasure, changes in each of the four variations of MOONMIST.

Get ready to spend the night in a haunted castle. But don't sleep too soundly. The next victim might be you.

Moonmist Cover

Achim J. Latz, , 13.02.2021

Due to copyright restrictions, the games are no longer available for download. Please do not send me questions about the games.
Infocom Infocom

Infocom:   ZIP Interpreter  ·  Games  ·  Missing Files